The Middle East and North Africa (Mena) is rich with project opportunities for investors, developers, designers, contractors, manufacturers, and workforce suppliers.
With about $4.3tn of projects planned or underway across the Mena region, every country is investing heavily to diversify and expand their economies, and to meet the needs of fast-growing populations.
With about $3.3tn worth of projects – over three quarters of the total market value – at the pre-execution planning stage, the pipeline for future opportunities is vast, particularly in the GCC, which accounts for over two thirds of all projects in the region, and Egypt, which is enjoying a strong economic renaissance.
National oil companies are investing in upstream oil & gas projects to find new reserves, to increase production capacity, and to improve efficiency in their key assets. They are also pushing ahead with ambitious downstream plans to produce higher-value refined oil and petrochemicals products.
The power and water sector is also booming as governments seek to meet rising demand for electricity and water, while at the same time increasing energy security and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by investing in clean energy through renewable and alternative energy projects.
Transport and logistics capacity is a key component of the region’s economic plans as it seeks to build efficient high-speed networks that can maximize the region’s hub status between Asia, Europe and Africa, white ambitious city masterplans are shaping a wave of smart city projects.
The construction of building and real estate projects is the biggest segment of all driven by private property investment and the development of schools, hospitals and other social infrastructure projects