REPORT: MENA Projects 2021 – 10% off


The latest edition of MEED’s biannual analysis on the region’s projects market includes full-year data for 2020 and an assessment of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the MENA projects market.

MENA Projects 2021 provides a comprehensive snapshot of the market at the start of 2021, providing exclusive, up-to-date data, commentary and expert analysis on the outlook for projects in the Mena region in 2021 and 2022.

The 256-page report includes:

  • Complete picture of the projects market in the Mena region in 2021
  • Country-by-country projects market review of 15 country markets
  • Latest projects data, analysis, charts and commentary on each market
  • Market size, contract award trends, pipeline of planned projects
  • Impact of Covid-19 on Mena projects market by sector
  • Sector-by-sector breakdown of projects in each market
  • Oil & gas, construction, power & water, transport and industrial sectors and petrochemicals projects market in the Middle East and North Africa
  • Projects opportunities with client and procurement details
  • Client and contractor and client spending plans