REPORT: The MENA Hydrocarbon and Power Projects Market 2024


Covering upstream, midstream and downstream hydrocarbons projects, as well as power generation and transmission and distribution schemes, The MENA Hydrocarbon & Power Projects Market 2024 Report is a comprehensive analysis of sector trends, project opportunities, and challenges in the MENA region. It examines specific project opportunities and tenders in each country, historical, current and future contract awards, and highlights the top contractors and clients.

A new feature of the report will be our proprietary construction risk and construction momentum indices that provide further insight into the future of the market. There will also be a section on the latest emerging technology trends impacting project delivery.

How is this report beneficial for you?

  • The 400-page plus report includes more than 200 charts, tables and graphs including tables of projects to be awarded in 2024 and beyond, as well as projects in execution.
  • Understand oil, gas and power projects market sector dynamics in the Middle East and North Africa.
  • It informs strategy.
  • Is underpinned by proprietary confidence momentum and construction risk indexes as well as detailed macroeconomic data.
  • Identify project opportunities with client and procurement details.
  • Understand risks and set strategy.
  • Identifies new and potential opportunities.
  • Highlights challenges in the market .
  • Helps you minimise risk.